Research Facilities

Mini columns  up close, zoomed in

MASc Candidate working in our environmental lab.

Membrane modules

Nanofiltration membrane modules are used for fouling elimination/optimization with different coagulation/flocculation pretreatments.


PhD candidate working with custom bench scale membrane equipment in our environmental lab.


Delivering custom built sampling equipment to one of our research sites.


Research students maintaining a custom biofiltration pilot plant at one of our partner facilities.


MASc student working on one of our pilot plants on zebra mussel research.


Custom-built minicolumns for bench-scale granular activated carbon (GAC) studies.

Minicolumns upclose web

Close-up view of minicolumns for granular activated carbon (GAC) research. Multiple columns allow our group to compare different types of media simultaneously.

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The DWRG and its partners are equipped to perform research at all scales – bench, pilot, and full scale. Our on-campus environmental labs contain a range of smaller treatment units, some of which were designed and built by the students themselves. Larger scale systems are often located at partners’ treatment plants, giving students direct interactions with water treatment professionals for their projects.

Our water labs are located on the 4th floor of the Galbraith Building located at 35 St. George Street, Toronto, ON.

©2025 Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering